SMALL is beautiful as far as members of York's Mini-owners' club are concerned.

The Mini might be one of the tiniest vehicles on the highway, but in their eyes it will always be King of the Road.

Now a group of enthusiasts want more people to know just how mad they are about Minis.

The club, called York Mafia in reference to the cult film the Italian Job in which three Minis are involved in a plot to steal gold from the Mob, is looking for new members to join its fun and games.

Club president John Aston, of Wilberfoss, who owns a nine-year-old car nicknamed the Black Death, said members enjoyed monthly meetings and regular trips in convoy.

Members can also obtain cheap spare parts through the club's network of contacts.

Membership is cruising towards 30, but more people are being encouraged to climb aboard and the club has its own website on the Internet to boost its recruitment drive.

Stan Davis, of York, is the newest member of the club. He bought his four-year-old Mini Cooper four months ago. And it certainly gives him a different perspective on the world - he works as a lorry driver.

He said: "I found out about the club on the Internet. I've always liked Minis. When I drive one, I feel proud to be British."

The club meets on the last Sunday of the month at the White Swan pub, Deighton, at 7pm. Its Internet address is: Or people can call club member Paul Peck on (01904) 339089.

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