Scarborough chairman John Russell launched a scathing attack on some of his players after seeing the side concede five goals for the second successive game with a 5-1 defeat by Cambridge United.

"Some of them - and they know who they are - aren't good enough to play in the Football League, but for sure we're playing Football League wages," said Russell.

"It's about time they were honest with themselves and came to see me and asked for their contracts to be torn up. Some of them need to walk away from here."

Derek Mountfield and Ray McHale are the temporary managers and Russell recognises that the problems at the club are deep-rooted.

In a thinly-veiled swipe at former manager Mick Wadsworth, Russell said: "Some of the signings that have been made in the past are rubbish and some of the players out on that pitch are a disgrace."

"Okay, those players may slaughter me for saying it, but I feel sorry for Ray and Derek at the rubbish that they have inherited."

"We've got a fight on our hands to stay in the Football League, but with some of these players, we've got no chance."

"Football is the only job I know where you can do a bad job and still get paid for it."

Scarborough gave a debut to 20-year-old goalkeeper Mark Goodlad, signed on loan from Nottingham Forest, and while he was to blame for the first and fifth goals - when he failed to gather crosses which were subsequently headed in by John Taylor and Martin Butler - he could otherwise feel satisfied with his performance.

He made a least a dozen breathtaking saves and with substitute Michael Kyd hitting the post and Butler missing from inside a yard, it was surprising that the score was not in double figures.

After Taylor's early goal, Scarborough clawed back when Chris Tate scored with a looping header, but when Butler's free kick was deflected in off the wall on the stroke of half-time, Boro heads visibly dropped.

Cambridge's Ian Ashbee scored two goals in five minutes soon after the break and the only surprise was that it took until the 83rd minute for Butler to score Cambridge's fifth goal.

Clearly Boro are in need of major surgery.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.