A good Samaritan who warned a North Yorkshire householder about a potentially- devastating fire has come forward to the Evening Press after an appeal.

Jill Seller, of Haxby, who spotted a chimney fire at a house at Kirkbymoorside.

Angela Lockett-Davies outside her home at Kirkbymoorside

Jill Seller, 35, of Towthorpe Road, Haxby, was driving home from Kirkbymoorside when she spotted flames and sparks shooting from the chimney of a cottage at Nunnington, near Helmsley.

She said: "It was pitch black, so it stood out like a fireworks display really. I thought the people in the house might not know the chimney was on fire, so I had to tell them."

Angela Lockett-Davies was on her way to bed at her 300-year-old home at 10pm on Tuesday, January 26, when Jill hammered at the door to alert her to the blaze.

Jill, a book-keeper, then continued her drive home after spending the evening preparing the monthly wages at the George & Dragon in Kirkbymoorside.

She had no idea that the Evening Press and its sister paper, the Gazette & Herald, had carried articles in which Angela urged the 'mystery woman' to come forward so she could thank her in person.

It was only when she was informed about the appeal by her mum, Ellen Seller, of Pickering, that she made contact.

Jill played down her good deed, saying: "It was no big deal. I just did what anyone would have done."

But she said: "I have been in a room where the chimney has been on fire and burning debris has come down, so I'm a bit wary of them."

Jill added: "It wasn't a problem telling her. I'm pleased that the fire brigade came out and sorted her out."

After hearing that the mystery had been solved, Angela said: "That's wonderful news. I'm so pleased, I can't tell you."

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