Most of North Yorkshire missed out on the promised white-out over the weekend - but coastal areas enjoyed the unusual sight of snow both on land and out at sea.

Coastguard watch assistant Clive Stephenson, based at Bridlington, said the snow showers appeared to have been very localised.

"We got the first report at about 1am and flurries were falling up to lunchtime on Sunday," he said.

"We could see heavy showers falling out to sea - we could see them moving over Flamborough Head - it was all very Christmassy.

"There must have been about 3cms in Bridlington and I was told it stretched down the coast as far as Withernsea.

"But it did not make it up as far as Scarborough - and there was hardly anything inland even close to the coast and as you moved in as far as Driffield there was nothing at all."

Martin Airey, forecaster at the PA Weather Centre, said the region could look forward to a week of sub-zero night time temperatures, cold winds and wintry showers.

He said: "Temperatures tonight could get down to -4 C, a bit higher in town centres, but still below zero and that will be the story for the next few nights.

"During the day it will be very cold as well, with a mix of sunny spells and wintry showers of hail, sleet and snow. These showers will be more likely towards the coast.

"It will be one of the coldest weeks of the year so far and will seem even colder because there will be quite a brisk breeze."

He added that there could be a change to milder weather at the weekend.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.