I suppose someone must have designed that new layout at the junction of Beckfield Lane and Boroughbridge Road.

By off-setting the roundabout they have created confusion and a potential hazard for motorists (or cyclists) travelling out of York and wishing to turn right into Low Poppleton Lane, and for those leaving Low Poppleton who wish to turn right towards the outer-ring road.

At present, these road users receive no benefits from the right of way provided by the roundabout. All road-users know that turning right across traffic is a hazardous operation, so why design more hazard into it?

What was wrong with a simple roundabout placed centrally in the junction so that traffic approaching from all directions would be obliged to use it?

A Dobinson,

York Group of Advanced Motorists,

Askham Lane,



...The roundabout is perfect, it slows down cars coming into the city and is much safer for those going into town turning right on to Boroughbridge Road from Beckfield Lane.

But there is a design fault. If vehicles want to turn into Low Poppleton Lane from Beckfield Lane or Boroughbridge Road they must wait in a tiny lane to turn right.

Surely the designer of this roundabout could have joined Low Poppleton Lane into it and not just Beckfield Lane and Boroughbridge Road?

More accidents not fewer will happen. If that junction was connected to the roundabout then it would be spot on.

Robert Waiting.

Birkdale Grove,



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