I read with some concern that the City of York Council is going to give the go ahead for yet another shopping development (Evening Press, August 21).

Even more worrying is that this time the proposed site is the current council refuse depot on Foss Islands Road.

I would like to know how the council think that this squares with their avowed environmental awareness.

As far as I am aware, the closure of the Foss Islands Road depot will mean the closure of the only recycling point in this city for plastics and cardboard.

If only this could be taken as a sign that the council were going to provide facilities all around the city (a measure that is well overdue as all who don't have cars would surely agree).

Besides, we will need more - not fewer - recycling and refuse collection points in York if this rampant worship of consumerism continues unabated.

Richard Greaves,

Morehall Close,


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