The second man in the Chapelfields body in the garden case is to be sentenced by a judge at York Crown Court.

Craig James Speck, 25, of Burdyke Avenue, Clifton, earlier this month admitted to dragging the body of heroin user David Victor Causer out of a house in Bramham Avenue and dumping it in a neighbouring garden.

Magistrates decided that as he had to be sentenced for other offences as well as the dumping of the body, he would have to appear before a judge who would be able to give a greater penalty for the crimes.

On August 16, Terry Greenwood, 24, from Barkston Avenue, Acomb, the man who helped Speck carry the body from the house, was fined £1,000 by magistrates for his part in the incident.

Speck was yesterday found guilty of attempted burglary in a separate case.

He was spotted crouching next to a door of a house in Smales Street, near Micklegate, on May 10 this year, and magistrates agreed with prosecution allegations that he was attempting to force the lock on the door with a screwdriver.

Ellen Samuels, prosecuting, told the court how, when police arrived, Speck made off over neighbouring garden walls before finally being apprehended.

Speck admitted stealing the screwdriver from a garage on the property but said he was crouching by the door because he was hiding from someone who had come out of the neighbouring house.

He said he ran from the police because he panicked.

Speck will appear before York Crown Court on September 24 to be sentenced for his part in the body in the garden case, the attempted burglary and the theft of the screwdriver.

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