by Dan Rutstein The mother of leukaemia patient India Farmer has backed our campaign to find a bone marrow donor for a fellow sufferer.

India Farmer

As India today celebrated the sixth birthday she might never have reached, mum Joanna offered hope to Nicola Coates, 24, from Wheldrake.

"It is a terrible thing to happen, but hopefully this campaign will be successful and a donor will come forward," said Joanna, whose daughter underwent a life-saving bone marrow transplant last year.

"When someone comes forward with the gift of life, as they did for my India, it is the most wonderful thing."

Campaigns such as the one for India, which attracted the attention of the Duchess of York, have increased the awareness of the disease and the number of donors on the register.

Nicola is in hospital undergoing intensive chemotherapy and is in desperate need of a bone marrow transplant. Searches of bone marrow registers all over the UK and abroad have failed to find a match, so the Evening Press together with the Anthony Nolan Bone Marrow Trust are urging people to take a blood test in the hope of making the vital match. Joanna Farmer added: "We have made some great friends through the appeal, and although we are realistic about India's future, we are delighted to see her so happy on her birthday.

"I just hope the same can be achieved for Nicola and your readers will do as much to help as people have done for me and my daughter."

If you are willing to take a blood test to see if yours is a match for Nicola's than please fill photocopy and fill in the coupon. We will soon announce a date for an information evening for people interested in helping our appeal.

See Donor Section

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