A plague of mindless vandalism has caused thousands of pounds in damage to cars in a York suburb.

Some residents of The Green, in Acomb have had their cars damaged seven times in a spate of attacks in recent months, which have left them fuming and out of pocket.

Cars parked in the area have had their bonnets and sides scratched down to the metal with a sharp-bladed instrument and some have had obscenities gouged into the paintwork.

One man, who wished to remain anonymous for fear he would become the victim of an eighth attack, said he and his neighbours were facing huge garage bills to have the paintwork made good.

"After the first two attacks I was told it would cost £800 to put the car right," he said. I dread to think how much it will be now because there is not a panel on the car which has not been damaged - it needs a total respray.

"The scratches are so deep they have gone right through the paintwork almost to the metal.

"At first I thought it might just be my car but 11 other cars have been damaged on The Green and I have heard that cars in Front Street have also been attacked. My car is by no means the worst affected but with £100 excess to pay for each panel I cannot have the work done on my insurance and so it will all have to come from my own pocket."

DC Duncan Thackeray, of Acomb police, said they were aware of the problem and were taking measures to track down those responsible including circulating pictures taken by security cameras.

"The Green is a quiet, residential area and obviously the people living there have been very upset by what has been happening to their property," said PC Thackeray.

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