Further to your comment Tighten Up On Medical Errors, (September 8) while I have every sympathy with Colin Langley and the fact that there is a need to eliminate such mistakes, it seems the only answer is to correct the mistake by what is now a particularly English disease in its own right, compensation.

Newspaper errors are often black and white and I am sure we are all capable of making mistakes, some fatal, most not so.

It would be interesting to know which budget such medical compensation payments actually come from and if they do in themselves deprive other sufferers from much needed treatment?

I am unaware that anyone unfortunate enough to be stricken with such a terrible disease as leukaemia can actually cure themselves. I think that for all the obvious trauma this has caused Mr Langley, I would guess there would be quite a queue to change places.

W J Drummond,

Burtree Avenue,

Skelton, York.


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