Time Team were real all-rounders

by Dan Rutstein

A panoramic view of one of the Time Team digs was captured by a local photographer.

FULL CIRCLE: The 360 degree image of the Time Team dig at Walmgate, by York photographer Graham Moore

The 360 degree view of the Walmgate dig was taken by Graham Moore, of artFX, a York-based graphics and photography firm.

"We were asked by the York Archaeological Trust to come in and take shots of the dig for recording purposes," he said "and I couldn't resist taking this one."

The Channel Four archaeology programme was filmed over three days in York last weekend at three separate sites.

If you want any more information about the Time Team dig in York, take a look at our Time Team section.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.