Zoe Ball seems to be the most modern of women, successful, hard-working and fun-loving.

Yet appearances can be deceptive, for the queen of the 'ladettes' wants to say goodbye to all that and start a family with her new husband, Norman Cook, alias chart-topper Fat Boy Slim.

The Radio 1 DJ and television presenter plans to take a complete break from work and concentrate on family. She is not yet expecting a baby but is clearly hoping, as she indicated on return from her honeymoon when she pointed to her stomach and said: "Watch this space."

In deciding that having a baby is more important than her career, Zoe Ball surprises everyone by taking an old-fashioned turn away from the bright and brittle world she inhabits. But as Zoe has said: "There is such a thing as too much fun."

Meanwhile, Patsy Palmer fancies a bit more fun and tonight quits EastEnders and the cheerless role of Bianca. She has no job to go to and, like Zoe, is another thoroughly modern young woman taking a gamble on being herself.

Mind you, if Patsy really fancies a laugh perhaps she could write to Radio 1 and apply for Zoe's job.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.