York councillors will meet to discuss how to tackle crime in Acomb after receiving a petition calling for a reduction in vandalism and public disturbance.

City of York Council's Committee for Local Affairs will be asked to back holding a special neighbourhood forum meeting in November as a response to the 250 name-petition, 140 of them from the troubled Westfield ward.

The forum for the Westfield Ward, which includes Chapelfields, where a fire engine and buses have recently attacked by youths, will be an opportunity for "relevant agencies to listen to the views of local people."

But Inspector Andy Bell, in charge of policing west York, including Acomb, said ideas were already in hand to try to improve the situation. "The police and the council are working on a number of initiatives intended to alleviate the problems in the area," he said.

"The youth say they have nowhere to go and nothing to do, and we are looking at a number of options to sort some of these problems. This will be as effective as the forum, and we can assure the public that steps are being taken now."

But Coun Steve Galloway, representing nearby Foxwood, was unimpressed by the council's response in papers to next Tuesday's committee meeting.

He said: "The forum was scheduled for November anyway but it is not the forum that can solve the problems it is the council. It is up to the council to put money in to the area."

Coun Galloway was unhappy that the report claimed there were no budgetary matters to discuss in responding to the petition. He insisted funding was needed to get CCTV into the area.

When the petition was handed over, in July, Rory Barke, head of City of York Council's citizens' support group, said: "We are working very much with the Safer York partnership, which includes the council, the police and the business and voluntary sector, and I am sure they will consider the petition as well."

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