BITTEN: Michelle Robson, aged 11, shows the injuries she received when she was attacked by a stray dog

A York girl needed stitches after being attacked by a stray dog.

Michelle Robson, 11, of Burton Stone Lane, was on her way to visit a friend when the brown and white dog attacked her on grassland near Ashton Avenue. She required five stitches to a gash in her right arm and suffered bite marks on her back and legs.

Michelle said: "It was all very frightening. It just jumped at me from behind."

Her mother Julie Robson heard her running towards the house screaming.

"I am very angry about all this," she said. "There are always stray dogs around and it is just a blessing this didn't happen to someone smaller."

Michelle was treated at York District Hospital where she will need to return for further treatment.

The dog is described as being of medium size with short brown and white hair.

Anybody who sees the animal is asked to contact a dog warden immediately.

City of York Council members are currently considering urging the Government for a return to dog licensing after complaints about the animals increased by 300 in the past year.

A council spokesman said: "This nasty attack underlines the problem with stray dogs and, when we are informed about problems, we will act.

"This incident perhaps demonstrates the need for a return to a proper licensing system."

Michelle had been in the area because her school, Canon Lee, was shut due to the late instalment of temporary classrooms.

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