The quintessential GPO red telephone box is not normally associated with high-technology computer systems.

However, the managing director of The Software Box Ltd (SBL), aims to make the nostalgic icon to be forever associated with the computer hardware and software reseller.

Managing director Sue Ashby bought out the company, based in Sutton-on-the-Forest, two years after it was set up in 1987. SBL, which also specialises in accounts packages, payroll, security products, services and training, has 47 employees and a £19 million turnover.

"It was always my division, so would have kicked myself if I hadn't purchased the company," said Sue, who started off in a bedroom in her house in Stamford Bridge, before moving to premises in Acomb, then Clifton Moor, and finally to East Moor House, Green Park Business Centre.

"Give me a crystal ball and I'll tell you where I'm moving to next," she joked.

Her previous boss came up with the company's name. "He rang me from a red telephone box one day and said 'guess where I'm phoning from,' said Sue, who pointed out that the company's original strapline was "your software is only a phone call away" .

She continued: "Basically, SBL started off as a telephone selling operation, back in the 1980s when people knew the software they wanted, and at a reasonable price. However, keeping abreast with new technology is rather like standing on a ball while trying to remain upright."

SBL has three operation areas: corporate software, technical business and security products - to supply a "one-stop total solution" for its customers. SBL sells hardware to local businesses, but its strength lies in software sales and sales of security products.

For the past seven years, SBL has supplied PC software and associated goods and services to the Ministry of Defence through and via the MoD (ICS) Catalogue.

"SBL is actively involved in UK pilot schemes for both Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) and for Electronic Software Distribution (ESD)," said Sue.

Meanwhile, SBL has been appointed North-East agent for Swedish-based Jeeves Information Systems AB, which was given on SBL's track record of supplying business solutions to the UK market place for the last ten years.

Jeeves was developed in Sweden during the early/mid-1990s using the latest in IT design concepts to ensure investment made to date in PC technology would not be wasted, but enhanced. The system is based on Windows technology.

The next year promises much for SBL.

"We're going to expand in the corporate and Government market place," revealed Sue.

"In addition, SBL is to get involved with e-commerce at a fairly high level of security, and produce a pilot for several Government departments."

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.