From left, the Lord Mayor of York, Councillor Peter Vaughan, with Ange Davison, 1999-2000 York Rag President, Siobhan Keates, from Henshaw's Society for the Blind, one of this year's beneficiaries, and Vita Scott, 1998 Rag President

Students at the University of York were congratulated on their fundraising efforts at York Rag's annual presentation evening.

In 1998/99, York Rag raised £52,205 for local and national charities including, Help the Aged, Meningitis Research and York Rape Crisis.

This was achieved through a variety of activities including street collections throughout the country, campus events, parachuting and the annual procession through York city centre. Rag president Ange Harrison and last year's president, Vita Stott, headed the ceremony at York's Guildhall.

The Lord Mayor of York, Coun Peter Vaughan, awarded cheques to the charity representatives and the university's Vice Chancellor Ron Cooke awarded certificates of achievement to the student volunteers.

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