York doctor to be heart 'tsar'

A leading York doctor has been chosen to spearhead the Government's new crusade against Britain's biggest killer - heart disease. Embattled landlords march on Parliament

Dozens of struggling pub landlords were lobbying MPs at Westminster today about the plight of their trade. Police moral plunges as force brings in changes

Police officers in North Yorkshire fear that lack of back-up due to staff sickness is putting their lives at risk, according to a leaked internal survey. Virgin plans 205mph trains to York

Sir Richard Branson's Virgin rail company today announced radical proposals to run 205 mph trains - the fastest in Europe - on the York-London route. Family's relief that son is safe and well

A York family expressed relief today after hearing that their son had escaped the devastating floods in Mozambique. Trader's threat over shutters

Businessman Leonard Yeo has threatened to chain himself to his shop front rather than see his security shutters removed. Views are sought on plans to stop floods

A year on from the River Derwent flood disaster, Ryedale residents are being invited to have their say on ways of preventing its happening again. Persimmon profits jump to £81 million

Massive pre-tax profits were reported today by house builder Persimmon plc, parent company of York-based Persimmon Homes (Yorkshire) Ltd, leaping 35 per cent to a record £81.6 million for 1999 (1998: £60.5 million). Norton workers begin new jobs in Driffield

About 40 workers from the shut-down Malton Clothing factory in Norton today started commuting to and from another plant in Driffield.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.