Highways chiefs are set to close another gap on the A64 - serving an entrance to a farm at Askham Bryan College, near York.

But some local residents and motorists remain deeply unhappy about the Highways Agency's refusal to shut the notorious gap in the central reservation at Bilbrough Top until a new flyover is built, or put in a 50 mph speed limit to ease the dangers.

They have hit out after hearing that none of the businesses at Bilbrough Top, such as the McDonalds restaurant, will have to contribute towards the cost of the £2.1 million flyover - even though their customers will benefit from the safer crossing over the dual carriageway.

Selby MP John Grogan yesterday hosted a seminar at Tadcaster to give local community representatives a chance to discuss gaps and traffic safety on the A64 between Tadcaster and York.

The agency said it intended talking to Askham Bryan College about quickly shutting the little-used gap near the college.

Some representatives from villages such as Appleton Roebuck and Bolton Percy criticised the ongoing experimental closure of the Colton Lane End gap.

Some said the Bilbrough gap should be shut straight away because of the dangers presented to A64 travellers by vehicles passing through it.

Agency area manager Peter Moffat said it would decide later this year whether to make the Colton Lane End closure permanent, when the Bilbrough Top junction could also be looked at. He said Colton Lane End had been closed rather than Bilbrough Top because it had a worse accident record.

Tadcaster representatives complained that the new Tadcaster Bar Interchange proposals, announced just a week ago, would not include a slip road onto the west-bound A64.

Converted for the new archive on 30 June 2000. Some images and formatting may have been lost in the conversion.