AMERICA'S top trade representative in Britain is preparing to tell his country's businessmen all about the economic virtues of York.

David Katz, the top representative for trade in Britain at the US Embassy undertook a two-day visit to York and North Yorkshire.

A tour sponsored by the York and North Yorkshire Chamber of Commerce and organised by the York Inward Investment Board took the diplomat to Mulberry Hall, the specialist glass shop in Stonegate which has a huge US market, the Central Science Laboratory at Sand Hutton, Smith & Nephew and aspects of Science City at the University of York Science Park, and a tour of US companies Biorad and Thrall Europa.

And at a lunch in his honour at the Mansion House, York, the American Minister Counselor for Commercial Affairs told a gathering of top business people from the region that he planned to raise the subject of the virtues of York and the UK in talks during World Trading Week in Colorado in a fortnight's time.