A CAMPAIGNER for disabled access has been given the job of improving services for disabled people at York District Hospital.

Lynn Jeffries, from Heslington, who launched the York Coalition of Disabled People and highlighted access problems with a "yellow card" scheme for some city centre shops, has become a specialist adviser for the York Health Trust.

She will help managers meet their responsibilities under the 1995 Disability Discrimination Act and provide appropriate development and advice for staff, mainly at York District Hospital.

Lynn, who has been disabled since a skiing accident in 1992, is already involved in the trust's signposting group, ensuring new signs can be used by everyone, including those with visual impairments and people with learning difficulties.

An initiative is also under way to provide information in different formats, such as Braille or large print.

Lynn said the imminent removal of the carpet in the entrance to the district hospital would make life easier for wheelchair users and people with visual impairments.

She added: "I hope my role raises the profile of disabled people and gives others a chance to see how easily such disabling barriers can be removed.

"It's all about access, but remembering that access is not just confined to things like widening doorways, but providing accessible information, access to employment opportunities, and the removal of the biggest barrier to access, which is attitudes."

She will begin by identifying where discrimination issues exist and helping to revise policies.

"There's definitely the will and the enthusiasm within the trust to improve disability awareness," she added.

Lynn, who has an MA in Disability Studies, was a psychiatric nurse and a sales manager for a communications company before her accident.

The trust's nurse director, Mike Proctor, said: "We are very pleased to have secured the services of such an expert in this field and we are looking forward to Lynn helping us to improve our service in this important area."

PICTURE: Lynn Jeffries: hopes new role will raise profile of disabled
