TWO recent letters about buses were not about my services, but the other company. One was about the lack of a service from Lawrence Street to the rail station (May 27). Our 65 service runs along Lawrence Street to South Bank via York railway station. The council bus information line has the timetable.

The other letter was about the other company failing to run a service, the 11.40 No 2 service (May 29).

Most people on the No 2 route from Green Lane, Acomb (apart from Tudor Road) can get the No 66 from Green Lane which would have gone past them at 11.55 on that day.

Busforce is interested in serving the people of York. But as a small business we can only improve our services if the services that are run get the support of the public.

R Bileckyj,

T/A Busforce,

North Lane,

Dringhouses, York.