REGARDING your front page article, 'Age campaigner gets his bus pass' (June 5), I wish regular Evening Press contributor John Taylor my best wishes and thanks on behalf of myself and thousands of other men over 60 who have benefited from his victory over equal age prescriptions and, lately, winter fuel payments for 60-year-old men and women.

Well done John, you took on both governments with help of Parity and beat them.

But the fight against inequality is not over by a long way.

The qualification for women who now enjoy pensions and bus passes at 60 will be phased out to 65 - a loss of of about £16,000 at today's prices. The last government linked pensions to inflation instead of earnings, costing today's pensioners about £20 a week. The present government gives £3 a week for winter fuel, plus a 'massive' rise of 75p and, should you live long enough, a free TV licence. They have a long way to go to bring pensions up £20 a week just to break even.

Even though his party devalued the pension its present leader, William Hague, has latched on to the fact that 'grey power' comprises millions of voters. Treat these people with contempt at your peril, come the next election.

W Moore,

Lochrin Place, York.