Regarding the Evening Press (Thursday, June 29) report on my sister, Elaine Britton's inquest, I would like to express my deep concern at the way such a report is publicised.

The headlines were distressing and so were the descriptions of my sister's last minutes alive.

A previous report concerned the period of time it had taken for Elaine's inquest and two others to be held, which is almost a year.

A remark by Coroner Donald Coverdale about Elaine's inquest, that: "I don't know off-hand why that one didn't come to the list any earlier" I found to be very off the cuff and upsetting.

After talking to the Evening Press I understand that it is their duty to be present at inquests, although I do not understand why.

The healing process of our grief has been greatly distressed by the report and the length of time the inquest has taken coming to a conclusion. Our mum didn't attend the inquest for such reasons, and is now deeply distressed.

Tomorrow it will be one year since Elaine died. It is still unbelievable, and family and friends are still deeply shocked.

Elaine was a remarkable lady who touched the hearts of young and old. She is deeply missed by all those who loved her and such an event should never have happened.

We love you Elaine. Night, night, God bless.

Kathleen Watson

Clifton, York.