FARMERS seemed to cast aside their concerns over declines in the industry as they flocked to the Great Yorkshire Show this week, with the highest number of competitive entries since 1996.

More than 10,100 competitors were to take part in 25 different sections at the three-day event, ranging from pigeons to cattle and fox hounds to flower arranging.

Show director Christopher Hall said: "The numbers are extremely good, particularly with the livestock figures holding up well and an all-time record of 223 entries in the beagle section."

A number of farmers from the district have earned top prizes at the Great Yorkshire Show for their livestock. Among them are:

SHEEP: B W and A F Glaves, from Brompton-by Sawdon, Champion Leicester for a shearling gimmer; P Turnbull from Pickering, Champion Blackface for a ewe, F and L Dale from Whitby won Reserve in the class for a shearling ram; A R Bulmer from Malton took Champion Suffolk; C W Marwood from York, Champion British Charollais, J and W Ripley from Thirsk took Reserve in the class; N A Thompson from Whitby, Reserve Derbyshire Gritstone; J Hall from York, Champion and Reserve in half-bred female X terminal sire; C R Fawcett from York, Champion and Reserve commercial lamb carcass.

CATTLE: S and G A Potter, Champion British Limousin, Reserve in the class to Millington Grange Estate, York.