WE object to the views expressed in your edition of July 27 about the 'statue' street entertainer.

This man was asked politely to move several times and our understanding is that he is legally obliged to do so when asked by a nearby trader.

If everybody is happy with this entertainer that is fine, and on many occasions they are. However, he does not own any "patch" in Stonegate, neither does he pay rent or rates. Therefore he has no right whatsoever to cause obstruction to a retailer's trade.

The crowd certainly was blocking the entrance to Taurus Leatherium and was making it difficult for disinterested people to walk up and down the street.

His activities do not derive any income for the city and his manner has caused great offence to many traders in the locality. There are plenty of other places with more space where his activities could add rather than subtract without anybody objecting.

C Maughan,

Stonegate Traders' Association,

Hunters Close, Dunnington, York.