THE battle to build York's first tennis centre hotted up today with news that leading operator Invicta Leisure Ltd is backing the Clifton Moor proposals.

And the developers behind the scheme have delivered a scathing attack on the rival plan by former Wimbledon star David Lloyd for a centre in Hull Road.

Malton-based Harrison Development said in a hard-hitting briefing document to City of York councillors that their scheme at Clifton Moor did not impose on residential neighbours - unlike the Hull Road project which would "severely blight" the lives of residents at Woodlands MS respite centre.

The developments come as the council's planning committee prepares to consider the Hull Road proposals by Lloyd's Next Generation Clubs on Thursday.

As the Evening Press reported on Saturday, officers are recommending that the application should be referred to the Secretary of State as a departure from the authority's Development Plan.

But, provided the Government does not wish to call in the plan, councillors should authorise officers to grant conditional approval.

Harrison says it is in advanced negotiations with Invicta to fund and operate the multi-million pound Clifton Moor scheme.

Its says that Invicta, which has twice won the LTA Commercial Club of the Year award and

has successfully worked with planners and local authorities to deliver similar tennis centre schemes in Hampshire, Lancashire and Sunderland, and is well respected in the tennis world.

Invicta's Ken Weatherley, an ex-Wimbledon player who serves on the Wimbledon committee, says the Clifton Moor site is the ideal location for the new venture.

In Harrison's document to councillors, it quotes an "independent" report by consultant Philip Woodhams, which claims that the Clifton Moor site is the most favourable location, better than Hull Road.

"The site at Hull Road has access to a choice of means of transport, but the areas served are not as comprehensive as at the application site (Clifton Moor). There are no other uses near the Hull Road site which facilitate multi-purpose trips."

The document concludes: "The fact of the matter is that, however much there is a need for a tennis centre, York will only sustain one such facility. It is vital therefore that planning officers and councillors make the right choice, based on the genuine merits of each available option.

"With its existing transport infrastructure, its lack of residential neighbours and its evident sustainability, Harrison's Clifton Moor option is, we are convinced, clearly the right choice."

Planners have yet to fix a date to consider the application for the Clifton Moor Centre.

PICTURE: David Lloyd: rival plan