JULIAN Cole, your self-styled card-carrying member of the liberally minded unfairly belittled the common-sense and wise views of your correspondents Heather Causnett and Lew Speight writing about capital punishment (July 27).

Chambers English Dictionary defines the adjective civilised as having advanced beyond the primitive state which makes Julian's belief that our country is civilised as fatuous as believing the earth is flat. Our society, under the veneer of political correctness, is positively barbaric allowing thugs, rapists, murderers and child-molesters to reign supreme over their innocent victims.

Given that human perversity has not changed since early biblical times, civilisation the abolition of barbarism will only happen by applying the much-derided old fashioned morality which included capital punishment for murder. For law-abiding people to have peace of mind and confidence in our legal system, punishment for crime must be so effective as to deter people from aberrant behaviour. Justice should be seen to be done.

John Tierney,

Grayshon Drive,

Acomb, York.