I WAS disgusted by Rod Hills' comment concerning the report on councillors' pay (August 7) that it "carried the support of all parties." Why wouldn't it when they are proposing to pay themselves three or four times the amount that most people in York probably earn?

The 'independent' nature of the pay review panel must surely be seen as laughable if the City of York Council recruited them in the first place?

The warmly-greeted proposals to award such fat pay rises to themselves, with no consultation of the people who will pay the no-doubt increased council tax bill, shows how out of touch the councillors have become from the citizens of York.

What is it about these so-called 'public servants' that makes them think they can ignore the views of the electorate? Why should York people see these pay proposals as anything other than the politics of greed and fat-catism? Recently the council has lost much of its credibility in the eyes of the electorate of York. I am eagerly awaiting the day when I will be able to throw them out of office.

Dr Geoff Seavers,

Galtres Road,

Stockton Lane, York.