"LEAVE your car at home day" (September 23) was observed more in some places than others. I decided to cycle to my appointment at York District Hospital. I'm over 60, have been under treatment for rheumatoid arthritis for four years, and believe that if I hadn't kept up my cycling I might be in a wheelchair by now. Who knows?

However, the point of this letter is to express my appreciation to City of York Council for the good and well marked cycle path which I was able to take right from where the Dunnington road enters the A1079 all the way to Nestl Rowntree's.

For much of the way I might have been on one of Holland's off-road tracks. It was quiet, mostly tree-lined, and instead of fuming cars and their drivers, there were other cyclists, friendly kids, people walking dogs and mothers collecting their children from school.

I do hope this is just the beginning of many other safe off-road cycle paths in York and the surrounding area.

Margaret Vernon,

Kendal Close,

Dunnington, York.