FARMERS are to be protected from exploitation by supermarkets, Agriculture Minister Nick Brown has announced.

A new code of practice for the food chain is to be published. Mr Brown told Labour's Brighton conference: "It can't be fair that the power in the food industry can be so unevenly distributed across the food chain.

"That's why we're working to join up the chain, and encouraging a supply chain code of practice to safeguard the interests of small farmers and growers.

"It can't be fair for imported food to be repackaged in the UK and slapped with a 'made in Britain' label."

He said the UK would not "gold-plate" EU regulations which other countries often ignored.

He added that the Government would keep the Agricultural Workers Wages Board which had been under review.

Culture Secretary Chris Smith announced £50m to build a network of outdoor centres across the country. He said: "Far too many children in our inner cities never have the chance to get out in the open countryside and mountain landscape and fresh air that others take for granted.

"They never get the opportunity to go walking, or cycling or canoeing or climbing and their lives are diminished by that."