THE public hearings about the addition of genetically-modified forage maize variety Chardon LL to the UK National Seed List have just begun.

I was surprised to read that the president of the National Farmers' Union has made a representation to the Government stating that: "I trust this new variety will be added to the UK National List without further delay".

I should have thought farmers would advocate a more precautionary approach at a time when initiatives such as the British Farm Standard are trying to build consumer confidence.

Indeed, a 1999 Farmers' Weekly survey found that 43 per cent of farmers were opposed to the introduction of GM crops, and 18 per cent were unsure.

One section of the NFU, organic farmers, are definitely against the National Listing of Chardon LL. If the NFU was acting in the interests of all its members it should be neutral on this issue.

Madeleine Parkyn,

Palace Hill,
