A HOST of former Leeds United players are soon to show their silky, if slightly slower, skills at Wigginton Grasshoppers.

Peter Lorimer - who made his Leeds debut aged 15 and went on to become the only player to score more than 200 goals for the club - will lead the ex-United stars as they take on the 'Hoppers in aid of charity.

The match, scheduled for Sunday, October 15 (kick-off 2pm) will be a repeat of the contest held last year, which raised more than £1,000 for the York Hospice and Leeds General Infirmary kidney unit.

The same two charities are to benefit again this year should enough money be raised.

Although the Leeds line-up is not yet known, a posse of household names are expected to play, following on from last year when such luminaries as John Charles, Bobby Collins, John McClelland and Ian and Glynn Snodin played.

The match will be played at Wigginton's ground, where food and drink will be served afterwards. There will be no admission charge, but fans will be asked to make a voluntary donation, all of which will go to charity.

Organiser Duncan McNaughton said: "We'll have a couple of collection buckets going round and the more contributions we get the better.

"The ex-Leeds players are not asking for money to appear; they're just asking for cash to be raised for the kidney unit and if we make more than they want we will put the rest towards the York charity.

"We're wanting to get as many people as possible there and hopefully have an enjoyable day."