full swing again (Evening Press, October 17). Before we all get carried away with how environmentally-friendly Yorwaste is, let's examine the facts.

Every company and customer that dumps rubbish in a landfill site is subject to a tax imposed by the Government.

Twenty per cent of this tax can be spent on environmental projects within a ten-mile radius of the landfill site.

This concession has been granted by the Government to return some of its tax money to compensate specific areas that suffer landfill.

The scheme is laudable but has nothing to do with the generosity of Yorwaste.

Be assured if the Government revoked the scheme tomorrow, Yorwaste could not squander one penny of its profits on environmental issues.

This is the same company that wishes to build a 70-acre factory in the green belt. Yorventure, the body that distributes the landfill tax grants, is a completely different independent entity and should not be confused with Yorwaste which is a commercial enterprise.

M G Coward,

Bradley Lane,

