TWO rail companies badly hit when the River Derwent burst its banks have thrown their weight behind our Save Ryedale From Flooding campaign.

And one of them, Railtrack, has revealed that it cost it £1.2 million to repair the damage to the rail infrastructure, particularly signalling equipment, after the flood.

The main line from York to Scarborough was covered with several feet of floodwater at Norton last March, halting trains for eight days.

But Northern Spirit said services were disrupted for a total of three months, causing great inconvenience to passengers.

Managing director, Nigel Patterson, said there was no doubt that a flood defence scheme was needed as soon as possible to avoid another damaging inundation.

He said: "We fully support the Evening Press campaign to prevent any repeat of the floods which devastated homes and halted rail services for eight days in Malton.

"A special platform had to be built to reinstate services while Railtrack carried out work to repair damage to the line.

"Our trains were disrupted for a total of three months. Worst of all was the inconvenience caused to customers and the frustration of being unable to provide the excellent level of service we are determined to deliver at all times." Railtrack said the total cost of repairs came to £1.2 million and added: "Last year's flooding had an impact on the whole of the community including the railway. Any measures taken to prevent a similar occurrence would be welcomed by Railtrack."

Meanwhile, the first completed petition forms, which call for urgent action to prevent flooding across Ryedale, have begun to return to our Malton office.

More than 100 signatures were collected at just one Norton business, Corks and Cans off-licence in Commercial Street.

Owner Ray King said: "There is a strong feeling about this issue here, as obviously the floods were only last year and are still fresh in people's minds.

Completed petition forms have also been returning from Stamford Bridge, which is also included in the campaign.

If you are yet to receive a petition form, or would like some more, ring the Evening Press' Malton office on 01653 690690.