RIDING schools in Ryedale could benefit from a new campaign launched by the British Horse Society. It is urging the Government to give rate relief for all the schools rather than the current selective scheme for new ventures set up on farms.

The BHS says riding schools are suffering severe economic difficulties, leading to closures. Some 272 schools have closed in the past year.

Deputy Prime Minister John Prescott has announced proposals under which new equestrian enterprises such as riding schools and trekking centres could get 50pc rate relief, and up to 100pc in some cases, for the first five years, plus short cuts through planning regulations to use redundnant farm buildings.

Michael Clayton, chairman of the BHS, said the aim was to help the farming industry to diversify. "We appreciate the industry's difficulties, but we have told the Government that their proposals will provide tough new competition for existing riding schools leading to still more closures".