THE Prince of Wales is to make a "substantial" donation to the Archbishop of York's fund for flood victims, it was revealed today.

He was touched by the plight of those affected by the flooding during his recent visit to York.

The Evening Press wrote to him, drawing attention to the Archbishop's fund. Prince Charles agreed to send the "substantial" amount, which officials say they cannot disclose.

A spokeswoman for the Prince said: "His Royal Highness went to York a couple of weeks ago and felt deeply for the flood victims.

"He wanted to help if he possibly could, and the fund was drawn to his attention by the Evening Press.

"His Royal Highness is pleased to donate some funds to the cause."

The archbishop, Dr David Hope, whose county-wide flood fund has reached more than £20,000, said the Prince's donation was "very encouraging".

"On his recent visit to York, the Prince of Wales personally saw the anguish and grief that people were experiencing due to the floods," he said.

"I think it's good that he should respond to it in such a practical way. It's very encouraging for us all."

Di Keal, whose Norton home was hit hard by the floods, said: "It's very nice of him. Quite a lot of people are in distress after these floods and everything helps - and it helps that it is coming from a major public figure.

"There were people who were disappointed when he didn't come up to Malton and this will go some way to making up for that. It's a very generous gesture."

Sir Jimmy Savile, who made a £1,000 contribution to the fund, had suggested that the Prince put up one of his paintings for auction to raise cash for the victims, but the spokeswoman said that had not proved possible.