Jennifer Morrison, Matthew Davis, Joey Lawrence and Anson Mount form the leading players in a disposable cast from straight-to-video hell for this unwanted, unwarranted sequel to Urban Legend, the tacky horror show that wholly failed to create a legend of its own to rival Freddy Krueger, Chucky or the Scream parodies.

The death knell for teen slasher flicks may have been sounded by Scream - which then followed Freddy's endless Nightmares On Elm Street in outstaying its initially perky welcome - but Hollywood never has enough of an over-done thing. So here is John Ottman's Urban Legends, or Scream Again And Again by any other name.

The lippy Loretta Devine returns as the Pam Grier-worshipping security guard Reese, to despatch advice and troublemakers with almost as much enthusiasm as she chomps her fast food. Reese has moved to Alpine University, where she regales film-school star pupil Amy (Jennifer Morrison) with tales of a serial killer who worked his way through a series of urban legends to kill students at her last post of employment: the very stuff of the first Urban Legend movie.

Surprise, surprise, for her thesis project, Amy sets about making a fictional psychological thriller rooted in those murders, and guess what, here comes another gruesome teen death festival.

It appears that one of the students is competing rather too ruthlessly for the Hitchcock Prize, the film school's passport to Hollywood and fame, as members of Amy's crew start meeting their maker in ever more gory ways.

There isn't the ironic wit of the Scream or Freddy movies; Ottman's direction is dull; the cast is forgettable, the script already forgotten, the gore a bore. Urban Legends is not so much the Final Cut as the Final Straw.