YORK City's famous five came back from the dead to win through to the last eight of the Worthington Fives competition.

The York Five booked their place in the next round of the national five-a-side tournament with a 7-6 victory over their Kidderminster Harriers counterparts after being 4-0 down at half-time.

The Harriers went 5-0 up not long after the restart before a hat-trick from Nik Shaw, two goals from Simon Kehoe and one each from Shaun Turner and Mark Willoughby completed a stirring fightback.

Having already seen off Stoke City, Newcastle United and Aston Villa, the York Five will now play Gillingham in the quarter-finals in January with the semi-finals, should York win, also taking part on the same day.

The remaining six teams still in the competition include Man City, Wigan, West Ham, Bolton, Peterborough and Halifax.

The final will serve as a curtain-raiser to the Worthington Cup final in February.

Pictured above are the York Fives of Graham Bootland, Shaun Turner, Mark Willoughby, Steve Smith, Nik Shaw and Simon Kehoe.

The Yorkie Bars, another City fans' football team brought together via the Internet, were still searching for the first win of the season as they entertained Shrewsbury in a friendly at York University earlier today.

The Bars put in an improved performance against Luton Whoosh last week, the final 9-1 scoreline flattering the visitors.