A NEW, separate, centre specialising in personal injury and medical law services has been set up by York solicitors Harrowell Shaftoe.

The firm has created its Personal Injury and Medical Law Centre at Saviour House in St Saviourgate, York, just a few yards from its city headquarters in St Saviourgate.

Investment in the dedicated centre in the heart of York follows increasing demand both locally and regionally for Harrowell Shaftoe's specialist services

The firm's expertise in personal injury and medical law has been recognised regionally and nationally by charities and associations particularly in the field of head injuries, spinal injuries and cerebral palsy.

The new centre will employ 12 people, including two new legal executive posts, bringing the total number on the Harrowell Shaftoe payroll to 100, confirming it as the biggest single law practice in York and North Yorkshire. And with plans for expansion expect more recruits to the new venture.

In charge of the new centre will be Mark Tempest. He said: "Our work over the last ten years has enabled us to gain in-depth knowledge of all aspects of brain and spinal injuries and the effects disability can have on the everyday life of injured people.

"This facility brings together a dedicated team of specialist lawyers who will be handling complex medical cases with a separate team providing a fast response to personal injury claims arising from accidents."

The new centre will provide a high level of expertise for all cases ranging from small injuries arising from falls, accidents at work or road accidents to complex multi-million pound claims.

Mr Tempest added: "Harrowell Shaftoe is one of only a handful of firms in the UK to be on the referral panel for both the Spinal Injuries Association and Headway - the brain injuries association. We have also received referrals from the cerebral palsy charity Scope for several years. We are recognised by the Legal Services Commission as one of 299 firms in the UK able to provide expertise in medical negligence."

Harrowell Shaftoe has also built a reputation for its expertise in acting on behalf of groups of individuals who have suffered as a result of side effects from prescribed drugs and treatments. The firm has successfully pursued claims both in the UK and in the USA.