I see the Government is set to play at class politics with their scheduling of the Bill against fox hunting so that it will face an expected block by the Upper House before an anticipated General Election next year ('Foxhunt Bill Ready for Commons', December 6).

Fox hunting is not an exclusively upper class pursuit. People from all backgrounds hunt: miners, farmers, nurses, etc. Even if it were an exclusively upper class pursuit, that is a fatuous reason to ban it.

Whether fox hunting is banned or not, foxes will still be killed by farmers. The question is whether you would rather foxes died a lingering death from poison, shotgun wounds or having gnawed off their own leg after being caught in a trap. Or whether you would rather they died quickly having been killed by hounds. Meanwhile, many more foxes are killed and injured on our roads.

I urge readers to tell their MPs not to ban fox hunting.

Dr Duncan Campbell

Albemarle Road, York.