When John Prescott visited Norton in November, he seemed to suggest that flood defences would be fast tracked. Admittedly a suitable plan has to be devised and will take time to design but I think there is a danger that people will be fobbed off again.

The 2000 flood virtually paralysed Malton and Norton and came very close to devastating York, so if it can happen twice it could happen a third time.

I agree with the suggestion that farmers be paid to let certain fields be used for 'flood relief reservoirs' that are near rivers. This would not only provide farmers with additional income but help to stop towns from being swamped.

N. Fletcher,

Langton Road,

Norton, Malton.

...JOHN Prescott's claim that the Government is helping local authorities to cope with the extra financial costs of flood defence and associated clear up work ('Flood cash help pledge', December 19) is nothing but New Labour spin.

Not only are York's council tax payers having to pick up the bill for the after effects, cleaning up of sewage, sludge and debris, but the council had its Government grant for flood defence work cut in November by Mr Prescott's Government.

In addition, it is now being reported that residents living across North Yorkshire are facing big increases in council tax to help pay for increased spending on flood defence work.

So just who is getting help from Mr Prescott and his Government? Or is this claim like so much of New Labour's rhetoric, divorced from reality?

Michael McIntyre,

City of York Conservatives,

Ash Street,

Poppleton Road, York.

Updated: 10:57 Wednesday, January 10, 2001