SO Ken Holmes, a fox hunt supporter, has enjoyed more than 50 years in his pastime of killing rats, rabbits and moles with dogs (Letters, December 30). I bet the moles put up a spirited fight against his Jack Russell terriers!

Could I pose Mr Holmes a question? Suppose a pack of hounds strayed into Cliffe Common, singled out one of his well-loved Jack Russell's in front of him then proceeded to chase it round the village, finally catching it and savaging it to death so it ended up looking like a dishcloth soaked in blood, wouldn't the trauma of that event live with him for the rest of his life?

If so, why is that emotion not present when it is a wild animal, for example the fox, that is killed in this manner?

K A Roworth,

Reighton Avenue,

Rawcliffe Lane,


Updated: 10:53 Wednesday, January 10, 2001