A teenager pulled a gun in court in a bid for freedom which took three security guards and a psychiatric nurse - later helped by three police officers - to stop.

Richard Davies, 18, struggled violently, screaming at Group Four officers and police in Harrogate Magistrates Court.

"I'll kill myself. I am not going to custody, you will not take me," Davies sobbed.

As he was wrestled to the ground he was holding a pistol, which security staff wrested from him. Police said an initial look suggested it was a replica.

When Davies was subdued he was manacled hand and foot. He made a second bid for freedom but was quickly stopped.

Davies, of Hambleton House, Harrogate Road, Minskip, earlier pleaded guilty to 13 offences - including making false 999 calls, assaulting police, possessing an offensive weapon, threatening behaviour, burgling a caravan, taking his parents' car without consent and driving without a full licence and without insurance.

As magistrates entered court to pass sentence Davies spotted Group Four officers coming to take him into custody and made his dash for freedom.

He was brought back in handcuffs and presiding magistrate Jack Kennerley sentenced him to six months in a young offenders' institution and banned him from driving for nine months.

Updated: 11:01 Wednesday, January 10, 2001