Moongazers were out in force as North Yorkshire stared skywards for the first total lunar eclipse of 2001.

A special 'star party' was organised by the Forestry Commission at Dalby and while the cloud obscured the view of the eclipse for much of the evening, there were times when it parted and left the heavens clearly visible.

Meanwhile the crowds gathered at York Knavesmire, where there was an uninhibited view of the action with the naked eye and through three of York Astronomical Society's telescopes.

Martin Dawson, chairman of the society said: "This is fantastic, there must be more than 100 people here. We had an eclipse in 1994 but it wasn't nearly as clear as this."

Forest Ranger Andrew Orland, who helped organise the event at Dalby, said the atmosphere there had been excellent too and he would be back for the next total eclipse is in 2003.

Updated: 08:52 Wednesday, January 10, 2001