The decision by City of York Council to agree to the siting of a play area on Micklegate Stray, close to Knavesmire Wood, raises serious issues that deserve wider consideration.

Before giving their approval of this scheme, planning committee members were reminded of the concerns and anxieties expressed repeatedly by the local Neighbourhood Forum Planning Panel for child safety on the site.

They were also asked if they were aware of the contents of the adverse report on the chosen site prepared by the Safer York Partnership. This highly-critical report was based on the risk assessment and crime audit of the site prepared by two experienced local police officers. It was not at all clear that councillors had seen or considered it.

Whatever, it was dismissed by Coun Galloway as merely "a personal opinion".

It may well be proper for the planning committee to set aside the objections of the Neighbourhood Forum Planning Panel, it is quite another matter if they disregard the grave warnings from the police.

The Crime and Disorder Act (1998) places an obligation on local authorities to do all they reasonably can to prevent crime and disorder. City of York Council, by accepting the unsubstantiated safety claims of the scheme's proposers and rejecting the evidence of those best qualified to assess the site's safety, has needlessly exposed itself to liability should criminal acts occur on it.

The moral responsibility for any damage or injury on this vulnerable and exposed play area remains with the scheme's proposers. It is not too late to seek an alternative and safer site. There are many who would be willing to assist in this effort.

Malcolm Hainsworth,

Ainsty Avenue,

Dringhouses, York.

Updated: 10:34 Monday, January 15, 2001