The future of a Selby voluntary service is under threat because of a shortage of officials.

A special meeting is to be held next month to discuss the plight of Selby District Community Transport, which could fold unless new committee members are recruited.

Secretary Colin van Blerk said: "It's pretty serious. We need a chairman and treasurer quickly to comply with the terms of the Charity Commission.

"And if we don't comply, we would have to close."

He said the current chairman was suffering from poor health and wanted to retire at the earliest opportunity.

"He's only hanging on because he doesn't want to leave us in the lurch," said Mr van Blerk.

"We have an eight-strong management committee, but four of these are executives, and we would welcome more committee members as well."

The transport group, which was launched 18 years ago, provides a service for more than 500 elderly and disabled people.

They are transported to hospital and GP appointments as well as regular shopping trips in a community minibus and volunteers' cars, which clock up about 30,000 miles a year.

Mr van Blerk said some people from outlying villages were also taken to Selby Day Centre and Worsley Court for hot meals, hot baths and social contact - giving carers a welcome break.

Gill Cashmore, co-ordinator of Selby District Association of Voluntary Services, said it was an extremely valuable and well-used service, which needed support to secure its future.

A meeting would be held in Selby Civic Centre on Tuesday, February 6, starting at 7pm, in an effort to recruit new committee members.

She said: "Unfortunately over the last two years, the committee has been reduced due to members leaving or being unable to commit the time required.

"It's getting more difficult to attract people because commitments are now greater."

The community transport scheme is funded by North Yorkshire social services and North Yorkshire Health Authority.

Anyone interested should contact Mr van Blerk on 01757 708036 or Mrs Cashmore on 01757 291111.

Updated: 15:51 Monday, January 15, 2001