Q: My husband and I get flu almost every winter and it takes us a long time to recover. Do you have any tips on how to cope if we are struck down again?

A: The heavy cold and flu season is upon us, although it seems that the impact is a little lessened compared to last year, thanks possibly to the influenza vaccination programme.

It's a difficult time, particularly when children are suffering and the illnesses seem interminable.

Here are a few pointers to help.

u Don't be afraid to dose yourselves up with paracetamol and aspirin or nurofen, following the guidelines on the packet. They relieve symptoms and help you to keep a positive perspective.

u When there is a bright sunny day, make sure you get out in the bright light whenever you can. It lifts the spirits.

u Eating garlic and plenty of vitamin C are useful anti-viral preventives. The herb echinacea can also be a useful.

u Remember that although illnesses may seem severe, they are essentially self limiting and usually seven-ten days sees the worst of the illness off with perhaps another week or so for more full recovery.

However, the viruses often strip the lining of the airways and this may take four to six weeks to fully heal, leaving an irritating cough which can hang around longer. Unfortunately there is no easy treatment to hasten this healing process.

Keep positive, try to keep active while respecting the need for rest and relaxation, and be gentle with yourself and it'll be over soon, usually without the need for medical intervention.