Q: feel really down after Christmas and New Year. How can I pick myself up?

A: Some people do suffer for the Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, which is depression associated with the long dark nights and lack of daylight. As mentioned above, take any opportunity you can to get out in the middle of the day - don't stay indoors at lunchtimes, get out of your car for a few minutes and let the sun's rays on to your skin whenever it makes its brief appearances. Light boxes can be rented or bought and are proven to work in severe cases.

Keep fit - the main benefit of exercise is the raising of the metabolic rate which gives you more energy for life and makes you feel better and more positive.

Don't let the dark stop your exercise programme.

St John's Wort is useful as a herbal treatment but it can interact with other medications so caution is advised. However, most people find it quite energising and beneficial and many prefer it to antidepressants available by prescription.