The volunteer gardeners at St Leonard's Hospice are calling on fellow horticulturalists to help them make their plant sale a blooming success for our Hospice 2000 Appeal.

Could you help by putting aside cuttings or sowing extra seeds now and donating them to the sale?

In previous years the gardeners, who meet every week throughout the year to maintain the Hospice gardens, have always had a plant stall at the hospice's summer fair.

Last year, for the first time, they decided to hold a separate plant sale at the beginning of June. There was a terrific response to their appeal for extra plants, a great turn out on the day and they were delighted when they raised more than £1,000 for the hospice's Millennium Appeal.

The gardeners provide a lot of plants themselves, but they do need more. Barbara MacDonald, one of the volunteer gardeners, said: "Most people sow too many seeds or have perennials that need dividing, so we are asking them to keep them for us as we know we can sell them to raise funds. We hope lots of gardeners will donate plants."

The plants can be delivered to the hospice nearer the time, or arrangements can be made to collect if there is a large number. The sale will be held between 10am and 2pm on Sunday, June 3, at the hospice on Tadcaster Road in York. For more details and to arrange collection of plants telephone 01904 781576.