FOR the British people to tolerate the war crimes committed in their names by this disgusting Government is shameful.

For Tony Blair and Robin Cook to give their unswerving support to every atrocity dreamt up without their input in Washington, shames the very name of this country in the eyes of the world.

To say radar and anti-aircraft stations must be bombed to make bombing raids safe is pretty stupid even for 'military intelligence'.

Not one military aircraft has been damaged by Iraqui weapons since the official end of the Gulf War nine years ago.

Since 1991 British governments and their US masters have waged a constant war against the Iraqi people on the pretext of punishing or destabilising Saddam Hussein. Even Tony Blair and his placemen must see who is being hurt and who is stronger by their actions.

We cannot stop the slaughter in Iraq without taking to the streets. A General Election is not going to change the balance of power in this country. The US President will still control our foreign policy, international financiers will still control our economy, corrupt and cynical careerists will still, at the behest of obscene wealth, control domestic policy.

R Westmoreland,

The Oval,

Pocklington, York.

Updated: 12:05 Friday, March 02, 2001